Overall County Enrollment
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ACES, Depression, Student Mental Health Services data
CAASPP Analysis
Humboldt County Integrated Analyses
Effect of MTSS and Bridges to Success participation on Chronic Absenteeism and Suspensions
Effect of MTSS and Bridges to Success participation on Healthy Kids Survey Outcomes
The table below provides the overall county enrollment from 2016-2017 through 2021-2022. These data display the enrollment patterns prior to COVID-19 (2016-17 through 2018-2019), at the onset of the pandemic (latter half of the 2019-2020 year) and through the pandemic (2020-2021 through 2021-2022).
As noted in the table above, over half of the counties have reported enrollment declines over the last six years. Humboldt County reported a 4.5% decline over this period of time. The enrollment decline is documented through at recent report from PPIC with the trends predicted to continue in the coming decade (see interactive graphic below). In Humboldt County, enrollment is projected to decrease 12% in the next 10 years.