
What are the statewide trends in social and emotional learning student mental health, well-being, and conditions of learning?

After completing an inventory of statewide initiatives that support student social and emotional learning and well-being, two initiatives emerged with longitudinal samples that could provide a statewide representative snapshot of potential trends. California Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a state initiative that began supporting LEAs with funding and training in 2017. Preliminary analyses of MTSS Cohorts 1-3 were completed to examine the impact on critical student indicators, such as chronic absenteeism (which often serves as an early or concurrent indicator of a young person’s well-being or experiences with adversity); discipline (such as suspension, expulsions, and other referrals, often illuminating significant disparities by race/ethnicity and IEP status); and school climate and connectedness (often illustrating the quality of relationships and environments in schools).

A second initiative, the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) a common data tool that is used by LEAs to measure student social and emotional health, well-being, and conditions of learning was examined. As more data becomes available, the statewide trend analyses will be updated.