Data Collection Tools
What are the surveys and tools that LEAs use to measure social and emotional learning, mental health, and wellbeing?
The table below provides the list of surveys and measurement tools that are used to assess social emotional-learning, mental health, wellbeing, and related whole child dimensions. For some of these measures, like the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS), these surveys are used to support local initiatives (e.g., Local Control and Accountability Plan) or required for participation in statewide initiatives (e.g., Cal-Well). This means that the LEA is either independently investing in supporting the administration of the survey or is completing the survey to receive grant funds.
The longest-standing survey that measures student social, emotional, and behavioral health is the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS). District and county reports from every administration of CHKS are available, beginning with the Fall of 2007. The survey includes items related to academic and social and emotional learning. The multi-factor survey, administered as "modules", includes items that measure student self-report of social and emotional health (e.g., empathy, self-awareness, and optimism). The recent expansion of modules incorporates mental health supports, previously piloted through the Cal-Well grant cohorts.
A second widely administered survey is the SWIFT Fidelity Integrity Assessment (SWIFT-FIA) through the Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) grant program.
Just prior to the pandemic (e.g., Panorama) and during the pandemic (e.g., Kelvin), there was an increase in shorter surveys and screeners to support LEAs with real-time assessments of student mental health and wellbeing.