Data Analysis Demonstrations

How might we begin to understand the impact of California's whole child investments through the analysis of available data?

Statewide: The collective impact examples aim to build out processes that link publicly available education data files with publicly available mental and behavioral health data files (e.g., statewide data collections searchable by district or county region). The current examples include additional statewide data analyses beyond what is currently available for the Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) and the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)

County/Regional: The statewide example is shared in comparison to a county/regional analysis, using Humboldt County as the first county to explore the strong partnership between the office of education and the department of public health. In addition to the publicly available files, the county example integrates local files on specific education and health programs to further explore the potential impact of investments in the county region on student social emotional-learning and mental health.